Nan K. P. Aulakh

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Practicing since 2000

Dinning Hunter Law - Partner

Year Called to the Bar

Nan grew up in Sparwood, nestled in the East Kootenays, and takes great pride in her British Columbia roots. Fluent in both Punjabi and English, she often serves as a liaison for her Punjabi-speaking clients. 

Following her Bachelor of Arts Degree from Carleton University in Ottawa, Nan pursued her law degree at the University of Victoria, and was called to the British Columbia bar in 2000 after completing her articles with the Ministry of Attorney General.

Over the course of her career, Nan has garnered experience across a range legal areas. Early in her career, Nan spent time in various levels of court as crown counsel and in private practice working on litigation matters. However, Nan’s true passion emerged in assisting clients with corporate, business, financial, and real estate matters. Additionally, Nan extends her skills to helping clients with their estate planning endeavors.

Clients value Nan’s diverse experience and her commitment to finding productive and sensible solutions to their personal and business matters.
Outside the office, Nan generously volunteers her time with local non-profit organizations and various sports clubs for her children. She is a proud hockey and ball-hockey mom.

Nan's Areas of Practice
Year Called to the Bar

Nan K. P. Aulakh Contact Information
