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  • Recovering from personal injury: some basic therapies and treatments

Recovering from personal injury: some basic therapies and treatments

Have you experienced personal injury? There are some basic complementary health care treatments that can help you out.

Auto accidents  and personal injury can often result in chronic pain and nerve pain from whiplash. One challenge with using primary medical care is that physicians don’t have the tools to assess the severity and complexity of soft-tissue injuries.

So, sometimes treatment options that can help you “get better, faster” are often overlooked, and recovery can drag on.

Victoria is home to a vibrant community of skilled complementary healthcare practitioners, who specialize in rehabilitation. They specialize in a range of “modalities” or treatments such as chiropractic care and massage to deal with “hidden injuries” not typically easily identified by primary care doctors.

Here are some basic therapies to consider:


Generally, massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissues of the body which includes muscles, connective tissues, ligaments and tendons.  Massage therapist usually uses their hands or fingers to press, rub or manipulate the tissues, but can also use forearms, elbows or feet.  Massage therapy can be used to relax the muscles, reduce pain, relieve stress or anxiety, and to promote optimum health.


Acupressure is a treatment using the very precise placement of the fingers on particular points of the body to relieve tension, increase blood flow and restore the body’s healing ability.  It can be used to treat chronic pain.


Acupuncture is a procedure whereby very fine metallic needles are inserted into specific points on the body with the objective of balancing the body’s energies and stimulating the body’s own healing ability. Acupuncture can be used to treat back pain, nerve pain, and chronic pain.

Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression is a non-surgical treatment using a specialized table operated via computer or iPad, and the purpose is to decompresses the spine and gently separates the vertebrae from one another.   This creates a vacuum so the disc can retract, blood flow, oxygen and nutrients can rehydrate the disc and promote healing of the injury.

Spinal Alignment

Optimal spinal alignment leads to the least amount of pain and strain for your body.   But auto accidents or even daily activities can lead to stress on the spine, discomfort and injury.  There are many approaches to treating such alignment issues including chiropractic, massage therapy, Feldenkrais Method, yoga, tai chi, pilates, and other therapies.

Find more information about complementary healthcare in Victoria here.

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